Energy Psychology for PTSD & Phobias in Warrington, PA
“Emotional distress and physical pain are not all in our heads. They are locked in the energetic pathways of our body. This is why years of traditional psychotherapy do not cure PTSD or phobias. Energy psychology techniques quickly release the trapped energy and bring about a perceptual shift in the subject of distress. I have seen miracles happen when I use them with clients.” Kalie
Energy Psychology is a family of mind/body techniques that are clinically observed to consistently help with a wide range of psychological conditions. These interventions address the human vibrational matrix, which consists of three major interacting systems:
- Energy pathways (meridians and related acupoints)
- Energy centers (chakras)
- Human biofield (systems of energy that envelop the body)
These techniques are also helpful in promoting high-level mind-body health and peak performance in the physical, mental and creative arenas of life. This is a partial list of my favorites.
EMDR™ has been listed as an effective treatment by the American Psychiatric Association, Departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs, International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, and numerous international agencies. More than a dozen controlled clinical trials support the use of EMDR™ for trauma such as that resulting from natural disaster, and EMDR™ has been used successfully to treat war and terrorism related trauma. With little modification, EMDR™ has been used successfully in response to a variety of mass-casualty events, and can be integrated with educational formats.
EMDR™ has an impact on intrusive imagery (such as nightmares and flashbacks), numbing, and hyperarousal symptoms of PTSD, as well as on associated grief and depression. In several direct comparisons with cognitive-behavioral therapy, EMDR™ offers equivalent effects more quickly (fewer sessions or no homework), process analyses indicate less distress for individuals undergoing treatment. www.emdr.com
Seemorg Matrix Work™ transforms negative character structures into positive ones, thus allowing therapists to successfully treat personality disorders, dissociative disorders, non-psychotic paranoid disorders, and obsessive-compulsive disorders. To do this, therapists learn how to access unconscious material through ideomotor cueing (muscle testing), and how to move energy through the body’s major energy centers (chakras) to eliminate symptoms, their cause and after-effects.