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Book Reviews

Book review from The Moving Words Review

Breaking Free from the Inner Critic is a revolutionary book to rewire our brains to overcome our innermost limitations. We have been programmed by our environment from the very first moment we were born. From there onwards, we absorb the thoughts, teaching, emotions that people around us expressed towards us. We derive meanings from these experiences. Soon this becomes the foundation of our consciousness. This in turn infuses anxiety, fear, and negative emotions in our mind. This inner critic drags us behind from everything that we want to do in our lifetime. This book presents powerful tools to reprogram our mind to break free from the limits we created over time.

The author gives a new perspective to self-improvement. I realized the extent of the inner critic’s influence on our thoughts and activities. Our environment is feeding the inner critic more subjects to explore each day.
We are consuming more criticism than positivity. This was an eye-opener for me.

The book is written in a perfect structure. The author supports her claims with real-life examples, events from history, and theology. The first part of the book is dedicated to the analysis of criticism and how we are addicted to it and wired this trait in our brain. The author supplements her arguments by giving psychological evidence. After a thorough explanation about the nature of this addiction, she then moves on to the symptoms. The next part concentrates on the solution of this problem.

Overall, this is a well-written book. The author adopted an interactive style of narration rather than a monotonous one. Throughout the book, every technique and idea is presented with a pinch of humor. This tone helped me to glide through the pages very easily.


 An excerpt from “Breaking Free from The Inner Critic”

Identifying any belief or message as negative is all you really need to know to discount it as invalid, which devalues it. Critical or fearful messages are not useful in finding happiness and will not set you free. It doesn’t matter whether they are true or not. Don’t let your Inner Critic engage you in a debate over this.

Kalie hopes that by using her four-step process, the reader will be free of their inner critic.


“I have read many books for years but this book has opened my eyes in ways I could not even imagined. Kalie has a unique ability to show us what we are actually doing on so many levels with ease and grace. She is a wonderful teacher and I am very thankful for this book!!!”
Mary Beth

“Kalie is a rare blend of academic exploration, experience and inspiration guiding her in her field. I believe that everyone on this planet has some form of addiction in various strengths and that we are all critics, so her analysis rings true to me. She even offers solutions, that are often withheld or unknown. She is a genius, as far as I am concerned. This book, to me, is an important addition to the exploration of the soul, to finding out who we are internally, how we see the world, and what to do about it all to achieve balance and happiness. I recommend this book to anyone who is earnestly wishing to know more about self and to make positive changes.”
Rev. Marilyn Tonks, MSC, MA

“It is so well written… informative, practical and so on target for explaining how this destructive habit works in our lives that I feel just about anyone could understand it and get help from it, including me. It is an important book that I think is much needed in our addictive society.”

~All the best….and many blessings


“Kalie is a wonderful spiritual coach and mentor for me. I find I am always learning and growing in new ways when I see her. Her book, ‘Breaking Free From Critical Addiction’, really simplifies the personal transformation process into easily digestible pieces. I find myself citing the ‘Four Steps To Freedom’ often when working with my own clients on stress management and personal change.”

“Criticism” is a serious “social disease”? Until I read an early copy of Kalie Marino’s book, Breaking Free From Critical Addiction, Our #1 Social Disease – and later heard Kalie articulating and elaborating on this theme on the Sheila Show – I had only a relatively mild appreciation of how important and powerful this basic thought was, and how contaminated our culture had become as a consequence. Indeed, you could say the world itself has been given nothing less than a priceless wake-up call! The book is that good, and will be long remembered with the deepest gratitude.”
Val Scott

“As always, Kalie has impeccable timing. With the planetary energy shift from the Piscean Age (thinking) to the Aquarian Age (experiencing), this information is spot on! I highly recommend “Breaking Free from Critical Addictions” by Kalie Marino!”
Tricia S.

“This book effects most everyone because we are critical of ourselves, others and don’t even know it! Kalie wrote beautifully explaining how we are critical, showing examples and best yet giving a solution. The four steps work! This has helped me to realize how critical I am of myself and I work the steps and now I am learning to live in Peace. This has been a true gift, thank you Kalie for an inspiring, easy to understand book that helped bring Peace into my life.”
Lisa Bustamante

“Kalie Marino shines a light in the darkness for people who believe the sometimes incessant ‘monkey mind’ chatter of the inner critic. She has elegant and eloquent ways of communicating alternatives to believing the nonsense. Because she walks the talk, she is able to make the abstract, practical. Her book entitled “Breaking Free From Critical Addictions: Our #1 Social Disease” will absolutely be a life changer for all those who read it.”
Edie Weinstein, MSW, LSW

Author of The Bliss Mistress Guide To Transforming the Ordinary Into the Extraordinary

“Perhaps you are very familiar with your Inner Critic, but the two of you have never been properly introduced. Kalie aptly makes that introduction and then skillfully speaks to both of you throughout this book, inviting you to make peace with the mental roommate that pays no rent and was never really invited to stay in the first place. She invites you both to grab a seat and have a listen. It will change your world and the world of those around you.”
Pamela Maliniak


“If you are ready for a dramatic upward jump in healing and self- awareness, then you are ready for Kalie. Kalie Marino will change your life. Years after first meeting her, time and time again, I transform moments of self-doubt by applying Kalie’s guidance. She stands above the rest by creating an environment where deep, heart level healing occurs.”
Dr. B

“Kalie Marino introduced me to a new way of thinking. I was stuck in a circle of victim hood and she opened the door for me to realize that I can be free. She helped me realize that we are all connected and to put aside my critical judgments. I began to realize how hard I was on myself and that I did not know how to even learn to love myself. By looking for “the good” in others and not allowing myself to harshly judge, I slowly began to ease up on my own self-judgment and slowly began to even like myself. The journey has been remarkable. I will hold her loving teaching in my heart forever.”
Joyce Murphy

“Kalie doesn’t just talk the talk; she walks the walk. I’ve watched her closely over many years, and I can say that the ideas she so eloquently expresses in her book are the principles she grew by and the principles she lives by. She is a very positive person with a great heart.”
Don Flory, Ph.D.


“Kalie Marino has been my spiritual advisor for numerous years. I can always depend on her during my times of uncertainty and can depend on her guidance towards peace during troubled times.”
Anthony Duca

“Kalie’s message is one that is so important for the world to hear right now! She is a brilliant communicator and she is spot on with our addiction to criticizing! I can’t wait to get her book and plan to share her on many Teleseminars so the world can wake up and break free from this underlying disease, Critical Addiction.”
Sheila Gale

Founder, The Sheila Show

“Wow Sheila this interview with Kalie Marino was wonderful. Just listening to her lifted me up into a higher vibration. I loved her message. And, on top of that, even though she didn’t do any energy work, I feel buzzy and floaty like I do after Kenji Kumara’s attunements. Maybe there’s something in her voice. Or in her unconditional acceptance of others. What a rare and beautiful gift she is. I wish she had some recorded talks or meditations or something like that I could listen to. If you hear of any, would you be willing to let me know? Thank you so much for sharing this interview with us!”

“I have listened to hundreds of interviews … Sheila, this one was AWESOME … First time I’ve ever heard this issue.”

In Joy! Kazzrie T. Jaxen producer@thesheilashow.com 902-315-2443

Kazzrie T. Jaxen

Producer, The Sheila Show

You can buy Kalie’s new book on Amazon

Kalie Marino, MSW

Kalie Marino

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