267-992-8961 KalieMarino@gmail.com

Confronting Alcoholism With Love

No one in our family realized Daddy was an alcoholic, even though he drank every evening. After all, he was not a drunk. Nor did we realize how deeply his drinking affected his thinking, his health and our lives. I was nineteen the first time I even heard the word...

Effective Prayer Story

The Effective Prayer is easy to learn and gets powerful results. It teaches you how to have to a real experience of the Light within you. This is a story about my experiences with it and how I applied it to my life. If you like this meditation, you may also enjoy...

Love Heals Anything

Rarely do we get to see demonstrations of physical healings that defy science, but God has shown me that love can heal anything. There are no limits, regardless of what the doctors say. Twice, doctors told me my son, David, would die and twice he regained perfect...

Forgiveness Transforms Tragedy

[from Breaking Free from Critical Addiction: Our #1 Social Disease] While many of us are learning how to empower ourselves by letting go of the victim perspective on life, sometimes it is difficult not to see ourselves or others as unjustly treated. There appear to be...

Anatomy of a Miracle

[from Breaking Free from Critical Addiction: Our #1 Social Disease] What is a miracle and how do they happen? While I can’t define a miracle, I am learning what they do. Among other things, a miracle creates a shift in perception that moves you from a state of fear...
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