267-992-8961 KalieMarino@gmail.com

Schedule your appointment with Kalie today!

Virtual Appointments Only

Enjoy face-to-face appointments from the comfort of your home, office, or car for only $100 per hour. Save on time, gas, and money. Fees are due at the time of service by paying via Venmo or PayPal.

Contact Kalie Marino by email at kaliemarino@gmail.com or by phone at 267-992-8961. Appointments will be confirmed after paperwork has been received. Click to download the Client Information Form & Privacy Policy forms. After you download and save the forms, fill them in on your computer, and then, save them again! Some people have forgotten to save them after they filled them out and they arrived blank and had to be redone.

I look forward to meeting you!

Contact Kalie by Email

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Contact Information

To make an appointment callĀ 267-992-8961

Hours: Mon-Sat, By appointment only

Phone: 267-992-8961
eMail: kaliemarino@gmail.com
Address:1770 Crocker Lane
Jamison, PA 18929

Additional Information

After scheduling your appointment, you can save time by downloading and completing the necessary forms. Please email your completed forms before your appointment to kaliemarino@gmail.com

For counseling appointments, download this form: Client Information Form & Privacy Policy

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